Booster Club Members putting up new LP Soccer Feather Flags

Varsity Coaches Geoff Ruttenberg and Sara Osoba with our photographer, Marci Messina
The Lincoln Park Soccer Boosters was created as a 501(c)3 in 2017 to support the Head Coach and help strengthen the LP soccer program. We work closely with the Head Coach to update policies, communicate with parents, address coaching needs and other discuss issues as they arise.
The Boosters are responsible for maintaining the website, registering players, collecting player donations, buying equipment, paying referees, updating the player handbook and maintaining the soccer program’s bank account. We organize outings to Fire and Red Stars games, free coed LP soccer events at the Fire Pitch in the winter, season kick-off parties, annual Meet & Greets for LPHS Soccer parents/guardians, and end-of-season banquets. The Boosters also recruit and support the parent Team Manager for each team (Fresh/Soph, JV and Varsity).
Help make our Program tops in the city! The Boosters meet the second Tuesday of every month, with coaches usually in attendance. All LPHS soccer parents/guardians are encouraged to attend to become more informed, bring up concerns, or find out how to get more involved. Email us at to receive the zoom link.
Questions may be addressed to the current Booster Secretary, Erica Webb at
LPHS Soccer Boosters Board, 2024-25
Jenn Lister, President
Nikki Calisoff, Vice President (Web Design, Communications, Registration)
Sasha Zanko, Treasurer
Erica Webb, Secretary
Events/Activities Manager: Doreen Izaguirre/Jamie Fishman
Fundraising Manager: Spero Kopitas
Uniforms: Stephanie Biederman
Social Media Manager: Open
Engagement/Volunteer Manager: Deb Nick
Sponsorship Manager: Patty Kopitas
Members: All are welcome!

Coach Ruttenberg giving thanks for Nikki Calisoff for her work with the LP Boosters at the 2024 Girls Kick Off Bannquet.

Marci Messina and Doreen Izaguirre helping at the Diaper and Dish Soap Derby Charity Drive
Join Us! All parents and guardians are invited to our monthly LP Soccer Boosters Meetings! Be part of creating an amazing Soccer Program, while meeting other cool soccer parents.